How Beltone Can Help You

Beltone Hearing Aid Centers KentuckyNine out of ten hearing aid users report improvements in their quality of life, according to a survey by the Better Hearing Institute of more than 2,300 consumers. According to research by National Council on Aging, which included nearly 4,000 participants (the largest survey of hearing aid users and non users), hearing aids were clearly associated with impressive improvements in the social, emotional, psychological, and physical well being of people with hearing loss in all categories of loss from mild to severe. Specifically, the survey results showed the following:

  • Treatment of hearing loss improves the relationship at home and with family.
  • The use of hearing instruments is associated with reductions in anger, frustration, paranoia and anxiety.
  • Most people who use hearing instruments have improved social lives.
  • People who use hearing instruments report better health than hard-of-hearing people who do not use hearing instruments.
  • This survey debunks the myth that untreated hearing loss in older persons is a harmless condition, but rather demonstrates that hearing loss is associated with physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being.

Medical professionals recommend that everyone has their hearing evaluated annually.

Beltone Hearing Aid Centers in Kentucky offer complimentary hearing evaluations to the community, which includes a video ear scan, comprehensive audiometric hearing test, and Personalized Hearing Health Assessment.